If you do not have an account set up, please contact customer care at 800. Thoro flexi joint is an elastomeric mortar for sealing moving joints and cracks in concrete and masonry. This 100%solids epoxy patch kit is designed for floors exposed to heavy traffic and intermittent chemicals. Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a disposable container. Your new online msds binder is a place for you to store the material safety data sheets you need to deploy.
The edges of the repair area must be cut square to give a minimum depth of 10 mm. General information recommeded uses characteristics and properties how to mix and apply specification sheet. This video shows you how to make thin repairs to or patch damaged concrete, using quikrete concrete patching compound. Material safety data sheet thorite general purpose. Remove all concrete from around exposed reinforcement to give 10 mm clear cover and for 50 mm at each end. Protects against abrasion, impact and most chemicalsno sealer required. Niosh has recommended that the permissible exposure limit be changed to 50 micrograms respirable free silica per cubic meter of air 50 ugm3 averaged over a work shift of up to 10 hours per day, 40 hours per week. Premium patch 100 premium patch 200 vertical leveling mortar cr concrete resurfacer page 1 of 9 section 1. Vinyl concrete patcher is ideal for making smooth repairs to crack or chipped concrete floors, sidewalks or steps. Poly patch is a normal setting cement based patching and resurfacing compound ready to use with the addition of only water.
Used for patching, resurfacing or leveling interior or exterior concrete floors, residential driveways, sidewalks, curbs, steps and patios. Sterno liquid fuel thoro thorocrete concrete patch. Rustoleum corporation makes no warranty, expressed or implied. Amerimix mortar type s fast set portland cement cement lime sand amx 400s fs. Asphalt repair products material safety data sheet complies with osha 29 cfr 1910. The information for this msds was obtained from sources we believe are reliable. Bondson is a high strength, multipurpose, selfbonding cement repair material for thin section repair and resurface, from 12. However, this information is provided without any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy and correctness. Vinyl concrete patcher is made of a special blend of vinyl resin, fine sand and portland cement. Safety data sheet sakrete fast setting concrete mix roberts concrete products a tcc materials company version 1. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Roberts concrete products emergency telephone number.
Pour a little cement into the hole and scrub it into the surface with a stiff brush or broom to drive the cement into the pores. A material safety data sheet is available on request. Issue date 25nov2014 revision date 25nov2014 version 1 1. Concrete is widely used as a structural component in construction applications. A fastsetting, onecomponent, polymermodified, calcium aluminate, cementbased, horizontal concrete patching compound. Pre mixed concrete page 5 of 7 toxicological information health effects the use of premixed concrete has the potential for exposure of plastic concrete by direct contact, splashes or materials discharged under pressure in the process of pumping or spraying the concrete after delivery.
Thorite general purpose construction, concrete and. Used to repair chipped, cracked or spalled concrete, to build up broken step corners or to resurface floor and walls, driveways, and walks. Primesource pneumat t5020 adhesivecaulk, 1 gallon wall. Lafarge ready mix concrete concrete product identifiers.
Revision date 2025 centre pointe boulevard, suite 300 6516889116 march 2016 mendota heights, mn 551201221 information telephone number. If you are not a current basf customer, they will be able to provide you with an sds. It possesses durability, has excellent bond to clean, structurally sound concrete, good color retention and is selfcuring. Bondson is a high strength multipurpose selfbonding cement repair material for thin section repair and resurface, from 12 in. Material safety data sheets msds are available for all products sold by lyons manufacturing, inc. Flush spill with excess water to a chemical sewer or soak. What you are doing, is installing a very thin layer of concrete floor patch material. Our msds database is an easy to use, do it yourself tool, and best of all. Material safety data sheet thorite general purpose concrete restoration version 1. Remove all coatings, oils, curing compounds, laitance.
Kwixset has very strong expansion properties which generate the high tensile loads that can be achieved. It has strong adhesive properties allowing it to be applied down to a featheredge. Premixed concrete patch rtu a highstrength patching compound for repairing cracks or breaks in concrete and mortar joints. Shotcrete, gunite, colored concrete, flowable fill, rollercompacted concrete, fiber reinforced concrete. Weve included the most sought after safety data sheets, and the. A 1component, acrylic modified, cement base patching and resurfacing material for concrete and masonry. Primary applications thin patching resurfacing any concrete or masonry surface repairing spalled concrete or masonry. Pourable concrete patching compound fiber reinforced, easy to mix, pourable material for quick repairs to large holes and spalls on level concrete surfaces. Find and download safety data sheets sds for masonry products. A material safety data sheet for this product is available on request. Wear dustmist mask or other appropriate protection. Exterior anchoring and patching cement rockite cement.
Accidental release measures methods for cleaning up. This product is a kit or a multipart product which consists of multiple, independently packaged components. Use in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Click here for a link to a searchable directory of safety data sheets. Thoro crete sl is a two component, selflevelling mortar. The master builders solutions brand is respected and specified by construction professionals. The information and recommendations in this material safety data sheet are offered for the users. Thorocrete concrete patcha 1component, acrylic modified, cement base patching and resurfacing material for concrete and masonry. Concrete saver turbokrete concrete patching compound. The cement contained in this product reacts alkaline when in contact with. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use and disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our. Thorocrete concrete patch is a onecomponent, dry polymermodified cementbased patching material, stronger than concrete.
Concrete repair on industrial floors, columns, and structural beams. Ready mix concrete, concrete ready mix, portland cement concrete, ready mix stucco, ready mix grout, ready mix, concrete, freshly mixed concrete, colloidal. It can also be used to patch and spot level interior or exterior concrete and masonry surfaces. Thorocrete light duty concrete patch material data safety sheet july 2007 page 2 of 5 6. The full range of product solutions will now appear in the market under the global master builders solutions brand names.
Other companies are charging thousands of dollars to set up accounts and give you access to their msds online database. To access a safety data sheet sds, please login to your world account link below. The format for msds sheets used by lyons manufacturing, inc. Weve included the most sought after safety data sheets, and the database just keeps growing. Costeffective, durable repair mortar for horizontal. To resurface or repair worn or damaged concrete floors. Polypatch onepart patching and resurfacing material. Easily repair deep holes and cracks with rustoleum concrete saver turbokrete concrete patching compound. Thoro crete hs is a blend of cements, selected fine. The information in this safety data sheet sds is believed to be correct as of the date issued. How to make thin repairs to damaged concrete with quikrete. Basf is proud to announce the transition of the thoro concrete and waterproofing products to the master builders solutions brand. A safety data sheet sds, article information sheet ais, or article information letter ail for each of these components is included.
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